How to prepopulate responses for previously answered assessments

This article will take you through the process of prepopulating responses for previously answered assessments

The 'Prepopulate responses for previously answered questions' feature will only work if your assessment questions are linked to the question bank, and that particular assessment has been completed before for the relevant third party or asset.

The purpose of the 'Prepopulate responses for previously answered questions' feature is to enable the administrator to set up assessments as 'Reassessments'. This enables ongoing and continuous monitoring of your risk environment.

How to add questions to the Question Bank within the Phinity Platform can be found in the following article: Click here.

On the welcome page, click on the 'Assessment Management' tile, as seen in the screenshot below:

You will then be directed to the screen below:

Depending on the type of assessment you create, you will either click on Risk Profile Assessment or Controls Assessment. We are using a Risk Profile Assessment in our example, so we will click on the 'Risk Profile Assessment' tile, as seen in the above screenshot.

Once you click on the 'Risk Profile Assessment' tile, you will be directed to the screen below:

In order to add a new risk profile assessment, you will click on the 'Add Risk profile Assessment' button, as seen in the above screenshot.

Once you have clicked on the 'Add Risk profile Assessment' button, you will be directed to the screen below:

Make sure to select the 'Prepopulate responses for previously answered questions' checkbox. 

Previous responses will only be prepopulated in the new assessment if your assessment questions are linked to the question bank and that particular assessment has been completed before for the relevant third party or asset.

Complete the required details and click "Save". After you start your assessment by firing off the initial email, you will be able to view your previous answers in the responses screen, as seen in the screenshot below:

While the rest of the questions that were not added to the question bank will not have responses, as shown in the screenshot below:

You have now successfully prepopulated responses for previously answered assessments within the Phinity platform.

Kindly contact for any additional assistance required.