How to add questions to the Question Bank within the Phinity Platform.

This article will take you through adding questions to the Question Bank within the Phinity Platform.

The Question bank allows you to add industry-standard questions through configured template questions.

On the Welcome page of the Phinity Solution, navigate to the Control Panel, as shown in the below screenshot:

In the Control Panel, navigate to your Assessments by clicking on 'Assessment Authoring' as shown in the screenshot below:

You will then be directed to the screen below:

Click on the 'Question Bank' tile, and you will be directed to the screen below:

There are two ways to add a template question to the question bank.

  1. You can add a Question directly on the Question Bank
  2. You can add a Question by exporting an existing question from an existing questionnaire to the Question Bank 

Adding a Question directly to the Question Bank

You will click on the 'Add Question' button shown on the screen below:

You can add a template question to the question bank to your liking.

You will complete the information required to create your template question. Once you are happy with the template question, click 'Save'. Once you click Save, your template question will show in the Manage Question Bank register.

Adding a Question by exporting an existing question from an existing questionnaire

You can export a question to the Question Bank by navigating to your questionnaire where the question you want to export exists. Once in the questionnaire, you would navigate to the question you would like to export to the question bank. You then click on the ellipsis icon on the question you would like to export, as shown in the screen below:

You then click on 'Export to question Bank', which will trigger two popups, the first one confirming that the question was exported to the Question Bank, and the second one will be a reminder to save your questionnaire to make sure the template question is linked to both the questionnaire and question bank.

You will now be able to view and use the exported question in the Question Bank register as shown below:

You have now successfully added template questions to the Question Bank within the Phinity Platform.

Kindly contact for any additional assistance required.