How to Share your TPRM Assessment Links

Share your TPRM Assessment Link with relevant stakeholders, without breaking the link

One of the most common issues that users might encounter and request assistance with is when the assessment they are trying to access is missing. A common cause of this issue is when the user uses an incorrect assessment link to share between the user and an additional party that needs to contribute to the assessment. It is easy to assist your users with the correct steps for sharing any TPRM assessment link. The below error message will appear when the wrong link is shared, as described above:

As the message above states, the user may have followed an incorrect link. To avoid this, you should educate the user on the correct way of sharing assessment links.
You must navigate to the questionnaire engine screen via the assessment management page to share the correct link.
To navigate to the Assessment Management page, click on the page/clipboard on the navigation sidebar or access it from the Home page.

From the Assessment Management landing page, you should navigate to the relevant Assessment category (i.e. inherent risk profile or controls assessment). See below screenshot of these category groupings:

You will then have to select your desired assessment campaign from the list, click on it and navigate to 'Manage Assessment'. See the below screenshot for an example of what that looks like:

After completing this step, you will see a detailed view of the assessment in question. To access the questionnaire, scroll down to the third party that corresponds with the user and click on 'Assessment Link' to access the questionnaire engine for that assessment. The below screenshot highlights the 'Assessment Link' button:

This action will take you to the assessment page, as per the below screenshot:

To share the correct assessment link between users, they have to click the option button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Below is a screenshot of the options available:

These are the links to use for sharing by your users that will not break their assessment link.